Backing your modernization decisions with hard data and an actionable roadmap.
This AI-driven assessment accurately identifies and prioritizes which apps to modernize, constructs an actionable roadmap for refactoring, and builds a compelling business case for modernization.
Take your first step to modernizing your business with a free assessment. We leverage AI and automation to analyze a target application and reveal your data in three key indicators, allowing you to prioritize and take action on your modernization projects.
Find out how you can tackle technical debt, identify the source and measure its impact on your innovation plans. Assessment metrics provide critical ROI and TCO measurements, driving a compelling case for application modernization.
Documented findings and recommendations that help you justify your legacy modernization strategy.
Let us demonstrate how you can accelerate and de-risk your app modernization initiatives through AI and automation.
Opticca is a modernization consulting company leveraging AI and Automation to deliver higher-quality output with fewer people and lower costs.
Our evaluation process delivers the highest quality actionable results using your data, infrastructure and objectives. In just days or a few short weeks, you can validate how a larger-scale project might work in practice and illustrate the value of our AI-driven approach to your digital transformation journey.
Drop us a line and we'll get right back.